New Year 7 Parents’ Induction Evening
Please see the PowerPoint presentation that was played at the induction evening on the July 2024 here.
New Year 7 Parents’ Induction Evening
Please see the PowerPoint presentation that was played at the induction evening on the July 2024 here.
Colin Norman from ‘Good News for Everyone’ (formerly Gideons) delivered their new publication ‘Discover’ to school, recently. As well as their traditional red Bible the organisation has made this new more colourful version with excerpts of the Bible on each page with questions and spaces for notes. Two weeks ago Mrs Packer led a Collective […]
During Fairtrade Fortnight, Vice Chair of Governors Lyndsey Wright came into School to lead Collective Worship. We all learned about banana farmers and the difference that Fairtrade makes to their lives. Lyndsey issued everyone with a challenge to be theperson who could bring in the most wrappers of Fairtrade products would win some Fairtrade goodies. […]
St Marks senior netball team travelled to Ralph Allen School to compete in the B&NES Tournament. They were drawn in Pool B, playing against Writhlington School, Hayesfield Girls’ School, Saint Gregory’s and Wellsway School. It was a tough pool but the girls competed very well with Thea and Robyn scoring some great goals. The team […]
Autism Acceptance Week is coming up in the last week of March. This is also Easter Service week at St Mark’s, and so we have decided to defer our own marking of this event to the second week after the Easter holidays. This is the week beginning Monday 24th April. There will be activities throughout […]
St Mark’s School is renowned for its outstanding secondary transition programme. On 7th March, we were delighted to welcome our prospective Year 7 families to the school for our Friendship Afternoon. Year 6 pupils were treated to a fun-filled afternoon of cup cake baking, science, and trampolining. The event provided families joining St Mark’s in […]
On Tuesday morning the School had its annual Easter Service at St Saviour’s Church inLarkhall. It was a lovely event with students taking part by leading the prayers and playing inthe band. Mrs Packer talked about consequences with and game a “custard pie” about how Jesus took the consequences for our wrong doing when he […]
Rev Lauretta Wilson from the new Vicar at Batheaston & Bathford Churches, came to TheSanctuary this morning for an Ash Wednesday Communion and 35 students joined in. Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, when we remember Jesus fasting in the desert before he started his work on earth. It was a lovely time together […]
St Mark’s students Elspeth and George ventured to Hayesfield Girls’ School for the 2023BANES Youth Climate Conference. They did a fantastic job representing the school which made us all proud! There was anexciting day of speeches and seminars all about energy use and climate, making pledges,visions for the future and how environmentalism tends to be […]
There was much excitement at St Mark’s this week as the ‘Sustainable home’ projects began to arrive at school in readiness for their showcase event in the library. Some even needed a delivery and a few pairs of hands to transport them! It was lovely to feel the buzz in school including hearing many older […]
February/March Newsletter