Orchard Lodge is a specialist resource base at St Mark’s School. All of the students in the provision have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and have Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD).
Pupils at Orchard Lodge are taught by a specialist teacher, supported by a Senior Teaching Assistant and two further Teaching Assistants. Orchard Lodge largely follows a primary model, where students are taught the majority of lessons in KS3 and KS4 groups. There are opportunities for students to integrate with the main school and pupils are able to attend selected mainstream lessons and other activities such as whole-school Collective Worship.
Orchard Lodge comprises of two classrooms, an intervention room and ‘The Canopy’, which is our sensory space. There is also a kitchen where students can develop their life skills and an allotment patch.
The provision at Orchard Lodge is entirely personalised and centred on their EHCP. Students undertake learning in a range of environments developing the skills they require in their preparation for adulthood.
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