Contact Details

Contacting St Mark’s School

You can telephone staff during the school day, but please be aware that many teachers cannot return your call if they are in the classroom. If the member of staff that you are trying to make contact with is not available, please leave a message and they will return your call within 48 hours.

If you have an urgent issue that needs immediate attention you should direct this to the relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team, as shown below.

Alternatively, you can send an email to the school, marked clearly with the name of the member of staff that you wish the email to be sent to. The email address you should use is:

If you have an urgent concern or a complaint, please send an email to Mr Ash Headteacher. The email address you should use is:

If you have any questions about the welfare of your child or wish to share information about issues that are affecting your child’s school work, please contact the relevant progress leader .

For all other enquiries please telephone – 01225 312661
For student absences, please telephone – 01225 957900


St Mark’s Church of England Secondary School
Bay Tree Road,
Bath BA1 6ND

St Mark’s Leadership Team

Mrs C England, Headteacher

Contact me if:

  • You have a concern or complaint about any aspect of the school
  • You would like to share your views about the school
  • You would like information about the school day

Miss L Derrick, Office Manager/ Headteacher’s PA

Contact me if:

  • You would like information about the school admissions
  • You have a question regarding the school website or school newsletters
  • You would like to communicate with Mrs C England, Headteacher
  • You would like information about the school’s catering, cleaning, grounds or IT services
  • You would like information about the school’s Reception or administration service
  • You have any questions regarding pupil premium funding
  • You would like information about school run transport
  • You would like to report a concern regarding any of the above areas

Mr Gren Heathcote, Deputy Headteacher Inclusion/SENDCo
Lead Teacher for children with special educational needs
Lead Teacher for Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children.
Lead Teacher for behaviour, attendance, welfare and EAL
Lead Teacher of Business Studies and Careers

Contact me if:

  • You would like to discuss SEND support
  • You would like to discuss EAL support
  • You have a question regarding the school’s behaviour or attendance policies and/or procedures
  • Your child is a looked after child or a previously looked after child and you world like further support

Mrs R Sayles, Assistant Headteacher, Student Support
Lead Teacher for students with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs)
Lead Teacher for students in receipt of Pupil Premium funding
Lead Teacher for mental health and well being
Lead Teacher of PSHE

Contact me if:

  • You would like to discuss EHCP support
  • You would like to discuss Pupil Premium support, or if you have a question regarding Pupil Premium funding
  • You have a question regarding the school’s mental health and well being strand
  • You would like to discuss the school’s PSHE provision

Miss A Boys
Miss A Boys, Assistant Headteacher, Head of English

Contact me if:

  • You have a question about the school’s teaching and learning policy and practice
  • You have a question about the school’s homework offer
  • You have concern about the quality of teaching and learning
  • You have a question about the school house system

Mr N Barley
Mr N Barley, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Science

Contact me if:

  • You would like information about the school’s curriculum offer
  • You have a setting query
  • You have a question regarding our extra-curricular programme
  • You have a question on Activities Week

Mrs A Caines
Mrs A Caines, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Maths

Contact me if:

  • You have a question about your child’s report
  • You have a question about exams
  • You have a question about assessment
  • You have a question about a school trip

Miss A Mitchard, MLD Base Lead

Contact me if:

  • You have a concern or complaint about any aspect of the Orchard Lodge MLD Base
  • You would like to share your views on the Orchard Lodge MLD Base
  • You would like information on the Orchard Lodge MLD Base.

Mr H Kops
Mr H Kops, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Teacher of Music/Computing

Contact me if:

  • You have a serious concern about child protection or safeguarding issues
  • You would like to report incidents of sexualised behaviour or child-on-child abuse, both in school and the local community
  • You would like information on music lessons

Mr S Leonard
Mr S Leonard, Director of Achievement

Contact me if:

  • You have any questions about the welfare of your child or wish to share information about issues that are affecting your child’s school work.
  • You have any questions that relate to the progress of your child across subjects.
  • You have a question regarding our Student Leadership programme and opportunities
  • Any questions that relate to PE or sport in the school
  • You have information on bullying (including online cyber bullying) to share with the school
  • You have any questions around mental health.

Additional Useful Contacts

Clerk to the Local Governing Body: Mrs Emily Walker

Examinations Officer:Mrs Jade Cook

SEND Communications Lead, including ASD: Mr James Lawrence

SEND Literacy and EAL Lead: Mrs Judith Westwood

Attendance Officer: Mrs Sharon Paradise

Careers Lead: Mr Gren Heathcote

Careers Coordinator: Mrs Jade Cook

Library Assistant, Ms Michaela Eyston:

Local Governing Body

Chair of Governors, Dr John Fox c/o Emily Walker, Clerk to the Local Governing Body

Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership

Please see below for the details of the Trust, of which St Mark’s School is a member:

Mr Alun Williams
Alun Williams, CEO
Registered Address:
Norton Hill School,
Charlton Road,
Midsomer Norton, BA3 4AD

Tel: 01761 412557

Email the Clerk:

Company No: 7365778
Registered to England and Wales