Statutory Website Information

Updated Nov 2023

1. Contact Details

St Mark’s Church of England School
Bay Tree Road
T: 01225 312661
F: 01225 429063

Headteacher: Mrs C England

Chair Of Governors: Mr John Fox (contact via the school)

Person who deals with enquiries: Miss Laura Derrick

SENDCO: Mr Gren Heathcote, Deputy Headteacher

Careers Advice: Mr Gren Heathcote, Deputy Headteacher

2. Vision, Mission and Values

Information about the School’s Vision, Mission and Values can be found here and below:

St Mark’s Vision
St Mark’s vision is to promote self-worth that inspires our student to live well, achieve their goals and be a force for good in their school and the world.

St Mark’s Values
Our work is underpinned by three core values: Aspiration, Resilience, Community

3. Behaviour

Information about the School Behaviour Policy can be found here

4. Admissions

Information about the School Admissions Policy can be found here

5. Exam Performance Data , Ofsted and SIAMS

Information about the School’s most recent Ofsted report from February 2022 can be found here

Information about the School’s latest SIAMS Inspection can be found here

St Mark’s School Exam Results 2023 here

6. Curriculum and Qualifications

Information about subjects available at Key Stage 3 and 4 can be found here.

Information about courses available at Key Stage 5 can be found here

7. Pupil Premium

Details relating to the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement & Expenditure Report 2021-24 can be found here.

Are you entitled to Free School Meals/Pupil Premium, to find out more please click here.

Removing Barriers To Learning For Disadvantaged Students can be found here.

8. Looked After Children

Information on LAC pupils can be found here.

9. Catch-up Premium and Summer School Documentation

10. Special Educational Needs

The school’s SEN Policy and funding information can be found here

11. Charging and Remissions Policy

Information about the School’s Charging Policy can be found here.

Information on Charging for school activities Departmental advice for governing bodies, school leaders, school staff and local authorities can be found here.

12. Complaints Policy

Information about the School’s Complaints Policy can be found here.

13. Whistleblowing Policy

Information about the Trust’s Whistleblowing Policy can be found  here.

14. Statement on RSE Provision

Information about the Trust’s RSE Provision can be found  here.

15. Remote Learning Provision

Information about the School’s Remote Learning Provision can be found here.

16. Governance at St Mark’s

Information about the School’s Governors can be found  here.

Information about the School’s Governing Body, including structure and responsibilities can be found here.

17. MNSP Trust Contact Details

Registered Address:
Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership
Norton Hill Primary
Silver Street
Midsomer Norton
Tel: 01761 412557

Email the Clerk:

Company No: 7365778

18. GDPR

St Mark’s School have registered the following details with the ICO:

Data Protection Officer

Name: Mrs C Hobbs


Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Trust
Norton Hill Primary
Silver Street
Midsomer Norton

Tel: (01761) 412557

Telephone: (01761) 412557

19. Request for Copies

If you require a physical copy of any information on this website, please direct your request to your child’s Tutor, and it will be provided free-of-charge. Alternatively, please email: