The Sanctuary is supported by our Chaplain, Sam Packer. She works here in School as an employee of LUX Youth Project and offers a warm welcome, guidance and support to students and their parents and carers in an informal and discrete manner.
Sam guides and steers the Spiritual Life of the students at St Mark’s. Her responsibilities include overseeing the Collective Worship which is held regularly at School, termly Holy Communion services, ensuring the running of the free Breakfast Club in Learning Support, mentoring students as well as being on hand for the Staff. As the school’s link with local churches, youth groups and charities, Sam encourages students to interact and get involved with external events and activities, helping students to develop social and community responsibility.
Our Schools Chaplain plays a vital part in ensuring that our students make positive contributions to their lives, their school and their community. Her experience as a youth worker, mentor and parent (whose children came to St Mark’s) provide her with excellent credentials to support St Mark’s School and its community.
Sam’s Mission Statement for her work as Chaplain is this “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourselves.” Phillippians 2 v 3. This is from the apostle Paul’s letter to the Church in Philippi which is in the latter part of the New Testament.
She is part of the Christian Vision & SIAMS Committee which is a sub-group of the Local Governing Body.