Welcome to St Mark’s School and thank you for taking the time to find out more about our wonderful school.
The culture and ethos of St Mark’s is clearly embedded in promoting each and every student to be the best they can be and to ‘Let your light shine’ Matthew 5:16. It is a warm and welcoming community that is driven by the values of Resilience, Aspiration and Community. A focus on these values, through a broad and balanced curriculum, allows our young people to quickly establish themselves and develop their true identities in a setting where the staff know every child and value their contributions in the school and wider community. At the end of their time at St Mark’s, our students are well equipped to go out into the ever changing world and to be citizens of which St Mark’s can be proud.
Location and Facilities
We are located in one of the most beautiful corners of Bath, nestled between rolling hills on one side and the bustling and vibrant village of Larkhall on the other.
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Parent & Student Access Useful links for parent and student resources
Student Email
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School Calendar
Upcoming events at St Mark’s School
If you are concerned about a safeguarding issue, please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding policies under the documents section. To report any safeguarding concerns about a child please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Heathcote via main reception during school hours.